Knowledge Translation
Let's Talk About Sex & Gender in Research
Many people use the words sex and gender interchangeably - however, they are not one and the same. While closely related, they each have a distinct meaning that can significantly influence research results and interpretation of data. In this video, you will learn the difference between sex and gender, why they are important to consider in research, and how you can make a difference.

Infographic from Canadian Stress Research Summit Symposium
McQuaid, R.J. & Bombay, A. (2021).“Considering Biological Research Approaches among Indigenous Peoples in Canada: Blood Memory and Epigenetics"
The Conversation – Opinion Piece
Hellemans, K, Abizaid, A., Gabrys, R, McQuaid R, Patterson, Z. (2020). For university students, COVID-19 stress creates perfect conditions for mental health crises. The Conversation.

University of Ottawa Heart Institute's Webinar Series on Navigating the Waves of Covid-19
McQuaid, R.J. (2020). Panel member speaking about, “The Effects of COVID-19 on Mental Health.”
Indigenous Peoples Mental Health and Wellbeing – Editorial
McQuaid, R.J., Matheson, K., & Bombay, A. (2019): "Contextualizing Indigenous mental health and wellness by understanding historical trauma." Canadian Psychological Association Psynopsis Magazine, pages 12-13.

Research Canada’s Parliamentary Event on Women’s Health and Health Research in Canada
McQuaid, R.J. (2019). Disseminated research findings to Members of Parliament on "Applying a sex and gender-based analyses lens to mental health research."
Children’s Healthcare Canada Hosted Webinar
McQuaid, R.J. (2019). Presented “Understanding the impact and pathways of intergenerational trauma and resilience on the mental health and wellness of First Nations peoples in Canada” to an audience of health care providers and government representatives.

Research Canada’s Parliamentary Event on Northern And Rural Health in Canada
McQuaid, R.J. (2018). Disseminated research findings to Members of Parliament on "The impact of intergenerational trauma and current community stressors on the mental health and wellness of First Nations peoples living on reserves in Canada".
Chapter in National Report of The First Nations Regional Health Survey Phase 3
Bombay, A., McQuaid, R., & Doria, N. (2018). Indian Residential Schools. In First Nations Information Governance Centre (Eds.), National Report of the First Nations Regional Health Survey (RHS) Phase 3; Volume 1. Ottawa, ON: First Nations Information Governance Centre.